Blue Monkey

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

house cleaning

i decided to clean my closet, stored all these boxes when i moved to this new house. when my dad decided to move in was in the middle of november when life for me was 1000 km/h with school (finals), work (spankys, sigh) and internship interviews and getting ready for my trip to ecuador, didnt really leave that much time to decide there and then, wat should stay and wat should go. so to avoid all that hassle (lol seriously i barely slept those last months lol i sleep all the time in ecuador) i just packed everything and take care of it later.

well fast foward october, i scrutinized wat was in those boxes and of course i stored lots of crap, seriously! so i chuck most of it out (i guess its less for me to travel around when i move out) but i stopped big time when i found the box where i kept my musings, from cards, letters, postits, drawings, arts & crafts, etc, i guess it was my personal box, stuff that other people think would be pointless to hold on too (cinic's?) but to me meant (and still does) a lot to me.

i found bevs fabulous bday cards (so, you wanna make out?), fish's welcome to the old farts club message, jessica's justification why she should write BROW instead of brother, notes from lovers that honestly i took a bit to remember who they were in the first place (thanks myspace), HS sweetheart poems -incredibly corny but i couldnt help but smile (never knew who that secret admirer was in the end), pics from the school era, MN memories and nyc college life and peps in general.- everyone who shares a big part of my gratitude for being in my life and i cannot thank you enough for being there and forming part in my upbringing- because i realized how sheltered i was in ecuador till i literally got pulled out of that orange country state of mind and face the world head on..

so yeah- i guess this is a thanks for everyone. wat started as a big purging of space in my life - made me realized in the end that some stuff, even if it takes some space does have a purpose being there and keeping it there to remind you, you are loved- on some degree or other..

also, alanis played this song at her concert, sounded familiar and darren shed light on the song from pj harvey.. god! i love a great tune and insightful lyrics!

we float
We wanted to find love
We wanted success
Until nothing was enough
Until my middle name was excess
And somehow I lost touch
When you went out of sight
When you got lost into the city
Got lost into the night

I was in need of help
Heading to black out
'Til someone told me run on in honey
Before somebody blows your goddam' brains out
You shop-lifted as a child
I had a model's smile
You carried all my hopes
Until something broke inside

But now we float
Take life as it comes

So will we die of shock?
Die without a trial
Die on Good Friday
While holding each other tight
This is kind of about you
This is kind of about me
We just kind of lost our way
But we were looking to be free

But one day we'll float
Take life as it comes




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